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সব দোষ শয়তানের


ইয়াসিন আলী এগে বয়স ৭, মৃত্যু: জুলাই ২০১০ (স্কুলে সহপাঠীদের সাথে তোলা গ্রুপ ফটোগ্রাফ থেকে ক্রপড)

ইয়াসিন আলী এগে।
৭ বছরের ফুটফুটে বালক। কোরানের সূরা মুখস্থ না করতে পারার কারণে ওকে "কুকুরের মত" নির্দয়ভাবে পেটাতেন ওর মা। পায়ের চপ্পল দিয়ে শায়েস্তা করা হতো ইয়াসীন আলীকে। লাঠি দিয়ে মারা হতো শিশুটিকে। হাতুড়ি দিয়ে আঘাত করা হতো। ময়দা মাখার বেলন দিয়েও পেটানো হতো। আর অনবরত চড়-থাপ্পড়, ঘুষি তো ছিলোই। শাস্তি-স্বরুপ দরজার সাথে বেঁধে রাখা হতো ওকে। ভয় দেখানোর জন্য বাড়ীর বাইরের শেডে একাকী বন্দী করে রাখা হতো।

স্কুলের টীচারের কাছে অত্যাচারের ব্যাপারে জানিয়েছিলোও শিশুটি - তবুও শেষ রক্ষা হয় নি।

অবশেষে একদিন (১২ জুলাই, ২০১০) অবিরত বর্বোরোচিত অত্যাচারের কাছে হার মানে শিশুটি। মাসের পর মাস অনবরত মার-ধরের ফলে মৃত্যুর কোলে ঢলে পড়ে ৭ বছরের ইয়াসীন।

অপদার্থ, বে-দ্বীন, গন্ডমূর্খ শিশুপুত্রটি অবশেষে পটল তুললে বিরাট স্বস্তির ঢেকুর তোলেন অংকে গ্র্যাযুয়েট ধর্মপ্রেমী মাতা - ১০০% ভালো অনুভব করেন তিনি। শয়তানের বাচ্চাটির কারণে ৩/৪ মাস ধরে তার ওপর বিরাট এক বোঝা চেপে ছিলো, কুলাংগার বাচ্চাটির মৃত্যুর ফলে বিরাট বোঝাটি যেন নিমেষেই হালকা হয়ে গিয়েছিলো।

তবে শিশু হত্যার দায়ে না আবার ধরা পড়ে যান। তাই বুদ্ধি করে, মরা বাচ্চাটির লাশে লাইটার ফুয়েল ঢেলে আগুন জ্বালিয়ে দেন। ধামাচাপা দেবার জন্য বাড়ীতেও আগুন ধরিয়ে দিয়ে বেরিয়ে যান তিনি।

কিছুক্ষণের মধ্যেই ফায়ারফাইটার এসে আগুন নেভালে তিনি বাড়ী ফেরেন। ফায়ারফাইটাররা বেশ অবাকই হয়েছিলেন যখন সদ্য আগত পিতা-মাতা তাদের (মৃত) শিশুপুত্রের ব্যাপারে কোনো আগ্রহই দেখান নি।

প্রাথমিকভাবে সবাই ধরে নিয়েছিলো অগ্নিদগ্ধ হয়েই শিশুটির মৃত্যু হয়েছিলো। তবে পোস্টমর্টেমে বেরিয়ে আসে মৃত্যুর আসল কারণ -  বাচ্চাটি আসলে অগ্নিকান্ডের কয়েক ঘন্টা আগেই মারা গিয়েছিলো (বরং বলা উচিৎ হত্যা করা হয়েছিলো)।

Real cause of death: Severe blunt trauma

অবশেষে ধরা পড়ে গিয়ে আসল ঘটনা স্বীকার করতে বাধ্য হন শিশুটির মা। প্রথমদিকে স্বামীকে ফাঁসানোর চেষ্টা করেন - তিনি নন, শিশুটির পিতাই নাকি বাচ্চাটিকে মারধর করতো, শিশুটির এক চাচা তার ডেডবডীতে বারবিকিউ জেল ঢেলে আগুন ধরিয়ে দেয় ইত্যাদি। তবে পরবর্তীতে গল্প পাল্টে ফেলেন - তিনি নিজেই শিশুটিকে প্রহার করতেন স্বীকার করেন। তবে অস্বীকার করেন - প্রচন্ড মারধরের ফলে তার চোখের সামনে শিশুটি ধুঁকে ধুঁকে মারা গেলে নিজের নিষ্কৃয়তা এবং হত্যাকান্ড ধামাচাপা দেওয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে মৃতদেহে আগুন ধরিয়ে দেওয়ার দায়।

শেষ খবর পর্যন্তও পুত্র হত্যার দায় স্বীকার করেন নি তাঁরা: সব দোষ শয়তানের ঘাড়ে চাপিয়ে দিয়েছেন।

Sara Ege used a stick to beat seven-year-old Yaseen “like a dog” if he couldn’t recite passages from the Islamic text.

The beatings were so brutal that the boy died from his injuries, and his mother tried to burn the body to destroy the evidence, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

Yaseen was originally thought to have died in the house fire. But a post-mortem examination showed Mrs Ege had been beating and abusing her little boy in the months leading up to his murder.

In a video recording of her interview with police, Mrs Ege told them: “I was trying to teach him the Koran.

“I was getting more and more frustrated. If he didn’t read it properly I would be very angry — I would hit him.

“We had a high target. I wanted him to learn 35 pages in three months.

“I promised him a new bike if he could do it. But Yaseen wasn’t very good — after a year of practice he had only learnt a chapter.”

Mrs Ege told officers: “I was getting all this bad stuff in my head, like I couldn’t concentrate, I was getting angry too much, I would shout at Yaseen all the time.”

She also hit him with a hammer, a rolling pin and a slipper, as well as repeatedly punching him, the court heard.

She would allegedly lock him in the shed, tie him to a door, and force him to do press-ups.

A mother accused of murdering a son beaten “like a dog” before setting her family home alight told police “It is the devil which is telling me to do all these bad things”, a court heard yesterday.

Sara Ege, 33, denies murder and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Her husband, Yousef Ali Ege, 38, denies causing Yaseen Ali Ege’s death by failing to protect him at their house in Severn Road, Cardiff.

The court heard she told police she had repeatedly beaten the youngster with a stick “like a dog” then tried to cover up the killing by setting the family home ablaze.

Mr Murphy told the court: “The defendant said, ‘Shaitan [a term for Satan], it is the devil which is telling me to do all these bad things’.”

Today the jury heard from teaching assistant Nicola Walker who knew Yaseen at the school he attended in 2007.

She described overseeing a morning writing lesson with a group of four children, including Yaseen, some time during the year.

“Yaseen was a really bright little boy. He liked anything to do with drawing and making things,” she said.

“He wasn’t going out to play with the other boys. He was reading or drawing or playing with something. He spent more time with the girls.

“To be honest he was such a neat little boy his hand-writing was beautiful. I knew that he could be left to get on with it.”

She said that she was surprised when the writing he produced in pencil was “really untidy and not like him at all.”

She said that she got him to do the work again and noticed he was using his left hand instead of his right one.

“I asked him why he was doing that and he said ”his hand is hurting him“.

She added: “He said that his mum had hit him with a ruler.”

Richard Jonathan Higson, a firefighter for 15 years, told the court that he had done all he could to prevent the parents realising the gravity of the situation.

He said: "I interpreted that she did not want to accept the child was dead."

Paramedic Chris Willis expected Sara Ege to ask about Yaseen.

In a statement read by prosecutor David Elias he said: "I expected her ask about Yaseen but she didn't. I put it down to shock."

Mr Higson told the court Yousef Ali Ege seemed unusually calm when he arrived.

"Most people would be hysterical," he said.

Maura McGowan QC, defending Yousef Ali Ege, asked whether Mr Higson had told across anyone so calm in such a situation before.

He said: "Up to that point, I have not come into contact with a parents who was not distressed when their child was taken into an ambulance."

Richard Higson, the crew's driver, said the boy's body was "very rigid, unusually so".

He said the body was also hot, and the whole situation "didn't seem to add up... things were not usual".

He said that when Yaseen's father arrived at the scene, Sara Ege said: "He's burnt. He's burnt. He's actually burnt."

Yousuf Ali Ege, he said, replied with something like: "But is he alive?"

Mr Higson told the court Yaseen appeared to be dead, but he did not tell the parents and was trying to be "very discreet".

He told the court the father: "In my opinion appeared unusually calm."

The firefighter had the impression Sara Ege knew her son was dead, the court heard.

Under cross-examination by Mr Ege's barrister, Maura McGowan QC, Mr Higson was asked what people are usually like in a similar situation.

"Most people would be hysterical I think," he said.

Asked if he had come across someone else that reacted calmly like Mr Ege, he replied: "No, to be honest, no."

"Not in 15 years of experience?" she asked.

"Never in 15 years. No," he replied.

Mr Higson told court he could see in Sara Ege's eyes that she knew her son was dead, but "she didn't want to vocalise it, and accept that her child was dead".

The first paramedic at the scene, Chris Willis, described seeing a firefighter conducting CPR on Yaseen's badly-burned body.

His face was not swollen and there was no soot in his mouth, the court heard.

In a statement he said Sara Ege was clearly suffering from smoke inhalation.

Mr Willis went to tend to her after Yaseen.

He said: "I expected her to ask about Yaseen, but she didn't. I put it down to shock."

Phillip Allan, a firefighter with 12 years experience, described how the boy's body felt stiff.

'So personal'

The jury heard how Mr and Mrs Ege were taken to hospital in a separate ambulance to their son, who was pronounced dead en route.

Police officer Andrew Williams described the moment Mr Ege was told by a doctor that his son was dead.

He said Mr Ege fell to his knees with a loud bang and started crying, calling out his son's name.

Mr Williams said after 11 years as a policeman, it was one of the worst experiences of his life, "because it was so personal".

Mr Ege told the policeman he did not want to tell his wife, because he thought she was too weak.

Later though, the officer saw them talking to each other in a language he did not understand, and heard the words "Allah" and "Yaseen".

He thought it meant Mr Ege had told his wife that Yaseen was with Allah now, the court heard.

In the months after Yaseen’s death, Mrs Ege told a doctor she been told to kill him by Shaitan — an Islamic name for the devil, the court was told.

She said: “I have become so harsh, I even killed my own son.”

Sara Ege felt '100% better' after son's death
Sara Ege knew son was dead before firefighters arrived
Devil told mother accused of murder 'to do all these bad things'
Father Yousuf Ege 'unusually calm'

মহীয়সী মাতা: সারা এগে, ৩৩

পিতা: ইউসুফ এগে, ৩৮

অন্তিম যাত্রাতেও পিতা অনুপস্থিত।


সব দোষ শয়তানের!  notlistening

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