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ZURKER, another social networking site, is giving away shares while in beta and alpha modes: my link -
It wont pay out any cash pre-launch, but may be worth something once it launches. Zurker looks interesting as a social networking option regardless(especially as everyone complains about Facebook more and more).
They basically give you a share when you join and an additional share for each referral you get. (You can also buy shares for $1).
The company isn't public yet, so it's currently in the form of a "vshare" which they say will be converted to a real share when the company gets out of beta. Here's a bit of quick info on it:"At Zurker, we've taken things a bit further. You don't just own your data, you own the network. Every Zurker user can very easily become a co-owner (future shareholder) of Zurker. Zurker is a third-generation social app released into private alpha testing in December, 2011. It's special because it's owned by its members. This unusual DNA will help Zurker develop the best social app available, which in turn will propel Zurker to becoming the dominant social network in the coming decade (and beyond). "
•up to 500 vshares per person
•they will give out up to 1 million vshares total
•you can also buy vshares for $1 if you're really optimistic and want to invest
•you get 2 shares per referral during your first dayJOIN ZURKER: